How do I respond to reviews from my Birdeye account using AI-assisted review responses?
sbsbsAs a business owner, responding to customer reviews an essential to maintaining a positive online reputation.
However, crafting effective responses to customer reviews can be time-consuming and demanding, requiring a deep understanding of customer sentiment and the ability to communicate effectively. With the help of AI, you can streamline the review response process and ensure that your responses are well-crafted and tailored to each customer's unique feedback.
Generate AI Response
With Birdeye, you can quickly respond to reviews using AI within your Birdeye dashboard. To respond, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Navigate to the Reviews dashboard. Select the review you want to respond to.
Step 2 - Filter the review sources from the ‘Filter by’ section and select the integrated review sources.
Here is the up-to-date compilation of review sources that have been integrated—Google, Facebook, ApartmentGuide,, Caredash, Birdeye, and Direct Feedback.
Step 3 - Click ‘Reply.’
Step 4 -After clicking the reply option, you will view the ‘Generate AI reply’ option in the text box. Click on it to generate the response.
Step 5 - Once it generates the response, the user can edit and review it and click ‘Post reply.’
HANDY TIP: You can hit the ‘Generate AI reply’ option multiple times to get to the response that works best for your requirement.
Step 6 - A successful notification will pop up on the screen. If you want to edit the response later, click ‘Edit Reply’ to edit your response.
AI-suggested Review Responses
AI-suggested review responses can now be posted with just one click from the dashboard or the alert email. AI-suggested responses appear for every non-responded review and will also be available for non-integrated sources.
This feature is available only for US-based locations/businesses for now.
Ensure that BirdAI is enabled in your account. Go to ‘Settings’ and click ‘Manage BirdAI.’
Toggle the switch to enable. If it is disabled, it will not generate an AI-suggested response.
Go to ‘Reviews,’ and you will view an AI-suggested response under every non-responded review. Click ‘Post reply’ to respond.
Suggested replies are also available within the email alerts.