How can I get new reviews from my customers (Review URL)?
With Birdeye, it is easy to solicit new reviews from the customers. You can use the 'Review URL' link with any new communication you send to the customers to get new customer reviews.
The 'Review URL' link is versatile in its usage and can be used along with business signatures, invoices, newsletters, customer communications, etc. The 'Review URL' link can also be embedded as a hyperlink to a 'signature element' or linked to a 'call-to-action button' within any communication. Eg: 'Review us now!'.
The 'Review URL' link can be found within the Birdeye Overview page. To access the link, click on the 9-square icon on the top right corner.
Now, select the 'Review URL' option.
Once the customer clicks on the 'Review URL', the default template with the customized review websites will be visible to the customer. Upon clicking on any of the third-party website links, the customer will be redirected to the selected website to write a public review.
Upon clicking on the 'Contact us directly' button, the customer will be routed to Birdeye to write privately to the business. To know more about customizing the review request email template, read the help center article: How do I customize my review request emails?
Default templates associated with review requests sent via 'Review URL' are pulled from automations. Click on a running automation to view the default template.
When you add a new contact through the 'Check-in' option, a review request automation is sent to the contact.
You need to edit an automation to change the default template. To learn how to edit an automation, read the help center article: How do I edit, clone, pause or delete a campaign within Birdeye?