How can a user resubscribe to Birdeye notifications?
Birdeye is CAN-SPAM compliant, ensuring all communications sent from the Birdeye dashboard include an opt-out option. This applies to all message types, including new review alerts sent to account users, allowing recipients to opt out of future communications.
Sometimes, users inadvertently unsubscribe themselves from one of the emails or texts from the system. This leads to a disruption in future communication with users.
Follow these steps to resubscribe to Birdeye communication.
Unsubscribed users must log into their Birdeye account. Click the profile icon at the top right corner of the screen and select the 'Notifications' option.
A notification is displayed on top: ‘This user has unsubscribed from all email communication.' Click on the term ‘here’ to resubscribe them.’
Alternatively, you can resubscribe by navigating to the ‘Account’ section and clicking ‘Users.’
Hover over the user, click ‘Actions,’ and select ‘Re-subscribe on email.’
Follow the same steps if the user has unsubscribed from text communication as well.
Click ‘Manage user’ to set up notification alerts for various categories.
A drawer opens on the right side; scroll down to edit and manage notifications for email alerts. After setting up the notifications, click ‘Update’ to apply the notification settings.
To learn more about setting up notifications for email alerts, refer to our help center article - Not Receiving Email Alerts? Here’s How to Fix It.