How do I respond to reviews from my Birdeye mobile app using AI-assisted review responses?
As a business owner, responding to customer reviews is essential to maintaining a positive online reputation.
However, crafting effective responses to customer reviews can be time-consuming and demanding, requiring a deep understanding of customer sentiment and the ability to communicate effectively. With the help of AI, you can streamline the review response process and ensure that your responses are well-crafted and tailored to each customer's unique feedback.
With Birdeye, you can quickly respond to reviews using AI within your Birdeye dashboard. To respond, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Navigate to the Reviews dashboard. Select the review you want to respond to.
Step 2- Click the ‘Magic stick’ icon to generate an AI-generated review response.
Step 3- On clicking the magic stick icon, the review response starts generating; once done, you can edit the response or hit the ‘Send’ button to reply to the customer feedback.
Step 4- Now that you have replied, you can still edit the response. Click on ‘Edit reply’ to edit and hit the send button like before once you are done editing.